Manager's word

H smallEgypt has entered since 1974 a new stage of opening to the outside targeted new patterns of life and environment variables to work in the fields of politics, economy and culture and had to be reflected on services, foremost styles and arts therapy based on the introduction of the latest means of technology medicine in the world.

It was the University of Mansoura, represented in the College of Medicine and hospitals lead and singled out the establishment of specialized medical centers, which have a national and international reputation of high quality, providing services.

          It should be noted that the real challenge is in front of professionals is the proliferation of specific illnesses in Dakahlia particularly in the Delta in general and all are closely linked to the environment and the most important liver disease - diabetes, heart disease, and with the increasing awareness of health and cultural surfaced risk of these diseases, which have become a phenomenon worthy of attention and attention.

He was the General Internal Medicine Section, Faculty of Medicine Mansoura touches prominent in the fields of these diseases to cope with this scientific progress which led to the establishment of units and disciplines within the department in the field of providing educational services and therapeutic excellence in the field of these diseases.

The aim of the hospital is to provide medical service, education and research at the highest level to be medical services competition is reflected on the community and serves a large number of citizens who suffer from Medicine deployed in Dakahlia Governorate and neighboring provinces and any achievement achieve hospital but is a continuation of the efforts of previous generations and the fruit of cooperation and solidarity and effort for all hospital staff.


                                                                                                     Prof.Dr/ Hazem Hakim

                                                                                                     Hospital Manager


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